I Am Blessed!

In the quietness of this early Thanksgiving morning I sit near the window looking out upon a windy, gray, early light, with my family sleeping peacefully in their beds. My mind recalls many moments throughout this past year; so many good things have happened! With the words “I am blessed” ringing in my ears from Pastor Willard Morse’s greeting, I know it is true for me as well. I am blessed!

I think about all my “go to” blessings. My reasons for giving thanks on this day of Thanksgiving are many: an incredible wife, great family, great friendships, a beautiful home, a church I love, good health, a wonderful staff with which to work, and a god who loves me. I know that I am blessed!

And then I think about all of the challenges I have experienced this year. There is no need to name them, we all have them in one form or another. For some reason I don’t ever remember thanking God for the challenges I have faced, and yet this year I am especially thankful for those. Certainly I am thankful that I have survived them but it is more than that; I am thankful because pondering those challenges in the wee morning hours of this day, I realize that those challenges are the experiences that have forced me to draw closer to God. I know that I am blessed!

No one wants to face the difficulties of living and loving within this world. It is hard to handle the issues that arise from a lack of finances, it can be heart wrenching to deal with health issues (whether they are our own or our loved ones), it hurts when relationships sour or when work becomes too stressful. And yet those are the moments when we know we can’t do it alone, that in faithfulness we call upon God for help. And I know that I am blessed!

I am most thankful this day because I know I have experienced the ever-present help of a Lord who loves me, will never leave me, and will always help me through the challenges of life. I am blessed!

What are you thankful for?