“I am writing you these instructions so that, if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.” (1 Timothy 3:14b-15)
Thought for the day:
Did you know that United Methodists believe in the triune God, that is, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Our belief in this expression of the divine has been gleaned from the biblical account of God’s power, presence and performance within creation which itself has been designed with humanity living a covenantal relationship with God. Sadly, humanity has broken covenant with God and stands in desperate need of redemption.
Did you know that United Methodists believe that the heart of God’s word rests through the incarnation of Jesus Christ whose life, death, resurrection, ascension and promised return conquers the evil and death that separates us from the love of God? An earnest request for mercy and forgiveness from our sinfulness directs us back into the path of God’s overwhelming love. Such grace God willingly provides to give us the hope of everlasting life.
Did you know that we experience God’s grace through the activity of the Holy Spirit in our personal life and through the larger community of faith, the church according to United Methodist and Christian doctrine? This experience involves the regular use of the “means of grace” which we understand to be prayer, fasting, participating in the sacraments, inwardly seeking the presence of God, communal worship, reaching out to others in the name of Christ, locally and globally, telling the story of salvation and working to create a society that exemplifies the Kingdom of God.
Did you know that we also understand ourselves to be initiated into the larger church through participation in a Baptism that grants us the promise of the Holy Spirit to transformed us into Christ-like people and Holy Communion which nourishes us for faithful discipleship to the risen Lord?
Did you know that United Methodists recognize the authority of God transcends time thus allowing us to remain faithful despite seemingly hopeless circumstances? We recognize the authority of Scripture in matters of faith, justification by grace through faith, and we realize that the church is in constant need of reformation and renewal of which it is our responsibility to build up the church as we reach out to the world.
Did you know that we acknowledge that there is one God and one church despite the variety of ways in which humanity has found to express itself in faith? We affirm this oneness through the use of common creeds and ecumenical cooperation and we are to offer our best efforts to strive for what it means to be body of Christ, one with another while embracing our own distinctive United Methodist heritage.
Did you know that the thrust of the Wesleyan movement was to “reform the nation, particularly the Church, and to spread scriptural holiness over the land?” Our heritage is about putting faith and love into practice.
Did you know that you find all of this information in The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church?
Prayer for the day:
Gracious God, help me to know what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ and then help me to live out that knowledge in all that I do. Amen.