Grace Church offers Small Groups that meet on a regular basis. Grow in your faith together in any of the groups listed below.
Why should I participate in Small Groups?
Grove City Grace United Methodist Church encourages people to live a lifestyle of Intentional Discipleship by practicing the "Means of Grace,” which are comprised of the “Works of Piety” (prayer, worship, studying the scriptures, etc.) and the “Works of Mercy” (visiting the sick, feeding the hungry, helping the hurting, etc.).
We understand that while intentional discipleship is a personal experience, it is not a solo experience. Jesus gave us the church (each other) so that together, we can live into Christ’s call to “Love God and Love One Another.”
At Grove City Grace UMC, participation in our small group ministry significantly aids the participant's intentional discipleship by creating a safe space in which authenticate Christian community can be experienced. Small Group members care, support, encourage, and with a gentle grace, hold each other mutually accountable to becoming who God has intentionally created us, individually and collectively, to become as disciples of Jesus Christ.
disc golfing
Details: This connect group is all about enjoying God’s creation along the course. All skills levels are welcome and discs are available to be shared if you need them. Good conversation and fun with fellowship on sunny summer Monday evenings!
Details: This connect group is equally fellowship and fun as youth and adults gather on Monday evenings once the weather turn cold for friendly pickup games of volleyball.
Details: This connect group runs from May - September (depending on weather) and can be found paddling the local rivers, lakes, and larger streams to celebrate the beauty of God’s creation and enjoy fellowship with the family of God here at Grace UMC.
Details: Grace Knitters meet every Monday morning from 10:00 am to noon in the nursery. They are currently working on prayer shawls and lap robes which will be given out by the children of the church at Christmas time. In the past, these items have been given to residents of Grove Manor, Orchard Manor and Fellowship Manor. You will also see some of their handiwork on the hat and mitten tree and in the cradle when a new baby is born in our church. If you knit or crochet or would like to learn how, you are welcome to join this ministry here at Grace.
Details: This connect group is for those who love to play golf! More information going soon!
Junior/Senior High
Youth Leader: Cecelia Midberry – Sundays @ 6pm soon
Location: Top Floor, Youth Room
The students will be challenged to stand firm in their beliefs, to have a vibrant relationship with Christ and to become further grounded in Scripture.
Leaders: Karen Otteni, - 3rd Thursday of month @ 7pm-9pm
Location: Main Lounge, Bottom Floor by Gym
Women ages 18 and older meet from September through May to fellowship with one another and to study: "Jesus Calling: Experiencing God's Presence" by Sarah Young.
hearts of grace
Details: Hearts of Grace is a table ministry for grieving families following the funeral or memorial service of a loved one. Working with the family, Hearts of Grace plans a menu, prepare and serve a delicious home-cooked meal in a quiet, relaxing atmosphere where the family can enjoy food and fellowship. (Monetary donations towards food expenses is appreciated but not required.)
grace goes out
Details: Grace Goes Out is a service ministry designed to help individuals with minor home repair problems and accessibility issues.
visitation team
Details: The Visitation Team, guided by our pastor in charge of visitation, Rev. Willard Morse and inspired by the love of God, strive to visit our elderly and home-bound members on a monthly basis.
Details: Worship Welcomers is a ministry of hospitality that engages with people as they enter into the sanctuary, offering bulletins, guidance, and good cheer.
Details: The Greeters Ministry strives to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus Christ in welcoming all who come to Grace UMC for worship or other activities. Greeters seek to reflect the love of Christ through their words, expressions, and actions.
Details: This team collects, sorts, arranges, and sells used items donated by church members as well as others in the community. The funds are used to support the programs of the church as well as the purchase of physical items needed within the church. The Rummage Sale is usually in April. The team meets 3 or 4 times beginning in February to make plans and once following the sale to determine the distribution of the funds.